01. The colossal Courage Monument symbolizes the heroic defense of Brest during the first week of war, when Nazi Germany invaded the Soviet Union launching the Operation Barbarossa. Brest, January 2011.

02. The main entrance to the Hero Fortress war memorial complex is marked by a monumental, concrete monolith seemingly torn by the powerful blast making an opening in the shape of a star. Brest, January 2011.

03. A five-pointed star shaped passage is the main feature of the monolithic main entrance to the war memorial complex. Hero Fortress is the honorary title awarded to the Soviet Brest Fortress in 1965 in honor of the defense of Brest Fortress in June 1941. Brest, January 2011.

04. Thirst Monument representing an injured soldier trying to get some water from the river is devoted to a dramatic episode of the defense of the citadel caused by shortage of water. Brest, January 2011.

05. Courage Monument that dominates the war memorial complex consists of the monumental representation of the Soviet combatant and a series of carving dedicated to the heroic defense of the fortress. Brest, January 2011.

06. Blizzard over the Mukhavets river. Brest, January 2011.

07. Mukhavets river flows beside Brest and meets the Bug river at the point where Hero Fortress is located. Brest, January 2011.

08. Central railway station in Brest is an important railway junction located nearby the Polish border. Brest, January 2011.

09. Ice skating rink and a gigantic Christmas tree are set up each winter at the October Square in the Belarusian capital. Minsk, January 2011.

10. Soviet-style window display in central Minsk arranged for the festive season. Minsk, January 2011.